Sunday, August 17, 2008

I believe I can fly

Originally uploaded by adgcz
Whatever happened to flies? In the summers when I was a kid it seemed like you always had to have a flyswatter around to kill flies because they were all over the place. Nowadays, you may see one every once in a while. Same goes for mosquitoes.

I have one theory for my hometown where the Boll Weevil Eradication program went into effect sometime in the mid-90s. This program which is probably the cause of all tumors, killed off a lot more bugs than just the boll weevil. Without the bugs, the birds left too.

I really can't complain about bugs being gone, I just thought it was weird.

1 comment:

Andy said...

I took the photo included in your blog entry, it was taken in the north of the Czech Republic. The countryside here is wonderful and full of life. It's a shame that you do not seem to view the loss of bugs in your location as a bad thing, bugs play a very important part of keeping nature in balance. Butterflies are 'bugs' which we simply find easier to refer to in a nice positive way because they look nicer than other bugs. We even make up stories about them that you're unlikely to hear about a common house fly. Well, I guess my point here is that bugs are a good thing for maintaining the balance in nature. Reading up about them can be very fascinating and also rewarding if you start to recognise the life around you by knowing the names of species.

All the best.

p.s. I am a failed blogger :-) hence the one entry